The Parish of St. Dominic strives to make Jesus Christ known to people of all ages through sacramental preparation and participation, worship, prayer, education, social activities, and care of those in need. If you are not already an active member of our Parish, consider sharing in what we have to offer as listed below:
The Church of St. Dominic Parish Directory is a great way to learn more about the various ministries and how they serve our parishioners as well as others. You can view, download and/or print the directory here.
Altar Servers
Open to boys and girls in grades 4-12 who wish to assist at parish masses, weddings, and funerals.
Fr. Chris Heller, [email protected], 516-922-4488
Baptismal Ministry
Prepares parents to baptize their child into the Catholic faith. Parents of first-born children are required to attend the Preparation Program the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Silveri Center in the Chapel. Baptisms are the 2nd & 4th Sunday at 1:30 pm in the Chapel. Please call the Parish Office (516-922-4488, x1197) to register for the on,online preparation class.
Baptismal Ministry
Prepares parents to baptize their child into the Catholic faith. Parents of first-born children are required to attend the Preparation Program the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Silveri Center in the Chapel. Baptisms are the 2nd & 4th Sunday at 1:30 pm in the Chapel. Please call the Parish Office (516-922-4488, x1197) to register for the on,online preparation class.
Book Club
Join fellow parishioners for lively book discussion and refreshments. Group meets once a month in the evening.
Paula Bracken [email protected] 516- 313-1310
Open to boys in grades 1-12 for service to the community and growth in leadership. To join, go to
Cub Scouts: Catherine Ferris, [email protected]
Catholic Daughters of America
For all to participate in works of charity and fellowship; meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Silveri Center below the Chapel.
Laura DeJesu, [email protected]. 516-922-5316.
Catholic Daughters of America
For all to participate in works of charity and fellowship; meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Silveri Center below the Chapel.
Laura DeJesu, [email protected]. 516-922-5316.
Centering Prayer Group
A method of silent prayer that helps us open our hearts and minds to God's presence, it is rooted in ancient Christian prayer practices. It prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer.
Connie Silveri, 516-922-2194
Choir and Cantoring
Open to adults who desire to praise God in song at Mass.
Tim Carl [email protected] 516-761-6423
Open to girls and boys for CYO competition in basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, swimming and track & field.
Open to girls and boys for CYO competition in basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, swimming and track & field.
Francesca (Frankie) Pavlovic, [email protected], 347-245-1910
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners commissioned to assist with distributing communion at Masses and to the homebound.
Elisa Artusa [email protected] 516- 922-4488 ext. 3702
Finance Committee
Group appointed by the pastor which advises him on financial matters affecting the parish.
Frank Ingrassia 516-922-4488
Girl Scouts of Nassau County
Open to girls in grades K-12 for service to the community and growth in leadership.
Lynn McDonnell [email protected] 516-922-7650
Knights of Columbus
Men’s organization, 18 years or older to join, driven by Charity. Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday in the Silveri Center.
Matthew Feeley, [email protected]
Open to parishioners for reading the Word of God at parish Masses.
Bob Viscovich [email protected] 516-922-5127 OR 516-459-5854
Legion of Mary
For those with a special devotion to Our Lady and willing to share their faith with the hospitalized. Meet Monday nights in the Silveri Center.
Jennifer Loughlin [email protected] 516-922-3716
Ministry of Consolation
To provide support and assistance to family members of the deceased who are preparing for a funeral mass or service.
Sue Schwartz (planner) [email protected] 516-692-4180
Sheila Sharpe (planner) 516-656-0712
Parishioners commissioned to assist with distributing communion at Masses and to the homebound.
Elisa Artusa [email protected] 516- 922-4488 ext. 3702
Finance Committee
Group appointed by the pastor which advises him on financial matters affecting the parish.
Frank Ingrassia 516-922-4488
Girl Scouts of Nassau County
Open to girls in grades K-12 for service to the community and growth in leadership.
Lynn McDonnell [email protected] 516-922-7650
Knights of Columbus
Men’s organization, 18 years or older to join, driven by Charity. Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday in the Silveri Center.
Matthew Feeley, [email protected]
Open to parishioners for reading the Word of God at parish Masses.
Bob Viscovich [email protected] 516-922-5127 OR 516-459-5854
Legion of Mary
For those with a special devotion to Our Lady and willing to share their faith with the hospitalized. Meet Monday nights in the Silveri Center.
Jennifer Loughlin [email protected] 516-922-3716
Ministry of Consolation
To provide support and assistance to family members of the deceased who are preparing for a funeral mass or service.
Sue Schwartz (planner) [email protected] 516-692-4180
Sheila Sharpe (planner) 516-656-0712
Ray Johnson (planner) 516-496-4646
Barbara Panariello (planner) 516-238-1645
Ginger Brockey (baker) 516-921-0947
Parish Life Committee
The Parish Life Committee organizes and/or sponsors both spiritual and social activities to fulfill the mission of the RomanCatholic Church of Saint Dominic. Membership includes the heads of various ministries of the Parish.
Frances Mortati [email protected] 516-922-1029
Parish Social Ministry/Outreach
Address client needs, through assessment, that range from food, clothing, shelter, holiday drives, advocacy and other necessities. PSM also provides bereavement support groups in the spring and fall to those who are grieving.
Joan Adomsky, Head Volunteer [email protected] 516-922-4488 ext.1294
Pastoral Council
An advisory committee appointed by the pastor to assist in determining the needs and objectives of our parish community.
John McDonnell [email protected]
Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation
For engaged couples in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. Mandatory for all couples before marriage.
Parish Office 516.922.4488 ext. 1197
Strives to educate all on the dignity of all life from the moment of fertilization to the time of natural death.
Donna Viscovich [email protected] 516-922-5127
Parish Life Committee
The Parish Life Committee organizes and/or sponsors both spiritual and social activities to fulfill the mission of the RomanCatholic Church of Saint Dominic. Membership includes the heads of various ministries of the Parish.
Frances Mortati [email protected] 516-922-1029
Parish Social Ministry/Outreach
Address client needs, through assessment, that range from food, clothing, shelter, holiday drives, advocacy and other necessities. PSM also provides bereavement support groups in the spring and fall to those who are grieving.
Joan Adomsky, Head Volunteer [email protected] 516-922-4488 ext.1294
Pastoral Council
An advisory committee appointed by the pastor to assist in determining the needs and objectives of our parish community.
John McDonnell [email protected]
Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation
For engaged couples in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. Mandatory for all couples before marriage.
Parish Office 516.922.4488 ext. 1197
Strives to educate all on the dignity of all life from the moment of fertilization to the time of natural death.
Donna Viscovich [email protected] 516-922-5127
Bob Viscovich [email protected] 516-459-5875
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
For adults wanting to convert to Catholicism, or Catholics in need of the sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation.
Carolyn Mangiarotti [email protected] 516-922-4488 ext. 3701 (Under 18 years of age)
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
For adults wanting to convert to Catholicism, or Catholics in need of the sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation.
Carolyn Mangiarotti [email protected] 516-922-4488 ext. 3701 (Under 18 years of age)
Richard Petrone [email protected] 516-330-4592 (Over 18 years of age)
Religious Education
Public and Private school children in grades 1-8 are instructed on Sacred Scripture, Tradition, Liturgy, Church Teachings and the life of the Church.
Carolyn Mangiarotti, Director, Grades 1-8 [email protected] 516-922-4488 ext. 3701
Religious Education
Public and Private school children in grades 1-8 are instructed on Sacred Scripture, Tradition, Liturgy, Church Teachings and the life of the Church.
Carolyn Mangiarotti, Director, Grades 1-8 [email protected] 516-922-4488 ext. 3701
For those adults and teens who work to organize the sacristies and services in the church and chapel.
Parish Office 516-922-4488 ext. 1197
Spanish Ministry
Serves the spiritual and temporal needs of our growing Hispanic family.
Parish Office 516-922-4488
Open to men and women for taking up the Sunday collection, greeting parishioners and distributing bulletin.
Parish Office 516-922-4488 ext. 1197
For those adults and teens who work to organize the sacristies and services in the church and chapel.
Parish Office 516-922-4488 ext. 1197
Spanish Ministry
Serves the spiritual and temporal needs of our growing Hispanic family.
Parish Office 516-922-4488
Open to men and women for taking up the Sunday collection, greeting parishioners and distributing bulletin.
Parish Office 516-922-4488 ext. 1197
Women's Bible Inspiration
Explores the Bible to find answers that apply to everyday life; trying to gain wisdom, guidance, answers, understanding and love through God's Holy Word.
Dominque Venturino [email protected] 516-523-1088
Explores the Bible to find answers that apply to everyday life; trying to gain wisdom, guidance, answers, understanding and love through God's Holy Word.
Dominque Venturino [email protected] 516-523-1088
Youth/Campus MInistry
Teens in grades 7-12. Teen Mass every Sunday at 5:00 pm in the Church with monthly scheduled fellowship and community service events.
Zoey Paulson, [email protected]