"Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: 'Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.'" Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213
Baptismal Preparation
Infant baptism (up to 6 years of age) is celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm in the Church. Please contact the Parish Office 516-922-4488 extension 3 to register.
A required Baptism Preparation Class is held at 7:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month. The program's aim is to affirm and support the child's Baptism and explain the religious significance of Baptism, its celebration, and the continued expression of the Catholic Christian life in the Church. Please contact the Parish Office 516-922-4488 extension 3 to register.
Baptism for Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) offers classes for adults, over the age of 18, into full communion with the Catholic Church through the receipt of the sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation).
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) offers classes for adults, over the age of 18, into full communion with the Catholic Church through the receipt of the sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation).
For more information, please contact Richard Petrone [email protected] 917-576-8702.